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  • Skribentens bildGustav Carlberg

Carlberg Design : Southern Sweden Design Days 2023 (SSDD23)

Southern Sweden Design Days is an annual Design Festival in Malmö. This year in May was the third edition of SSDD.

The festival is happening all over the city of Malmö, with open studios- and gallery-exhibitions. There is also a main location in an old train garage called Lokstallarna, here the the bigger furniture companies an design schools exhibit and have there stands. There is also smaller design companies and furniture makers exhibiting here.

I have been exhibiting on all three festivals. The first year I held an exhibition in my studio, showing a modular shelfing system. The year after I was part of a group exhibition at the main location. That year I showed a stackable Outdoors Chair in galvanized steel.

The latest SSDD was in May this year, 2023, I held the exhibition in my Studio. I showed a Coffee Table in steel and glass called CLIP and a wooden chair with rounded shapes called Rund. Read more about these projects on the page "Studio Projects".

I will go deeper into these projects in my next post, showing the process behind, with sketching and mock-up making.

Gustav Carlberg

Carlberg Design


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